Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Five Tips To Make Sure Your Car is Spring Ready

  1. Welcome Spring with a car wash, get rid of the snow, ice and dirt that has been on your car for months! It is important to wash underneath your vehicle, there may be a buildup of road salt which could cause corrosion.
  2. Wax on don’t let that wax come off. Experts say that liquid waxes do better than spray and paste and can add extra shine.
  3. Remove the Starbucks cups and extra pairs of gloves you have thrown in the backseat.
  4. Vacuum and power wash your carpets; let them completely dry before putting them back in your vehicle.
  5. Winter can take a toll on your wind shield wipers so make sure to replace them before spring showers.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Why Texting and Driving Isn’t As Harmless As You Think

We all know not to text and drive, but still it’s tempting to send that quick text while at a red light. Here are the reasons you should refrain:
  • As the number of texting induced accidents rise, some states are passing laws making it illegal for you to be on your phone while you drive and it comes with a hefty fine.
  • If you think your insurance premiums are high now, wait until your insurance company hears that you caused the accident by texting. You should notice an immediate rise in your premiums and in some cases you may be dropped completely.
  • Consider other people before you pick up your phone, not only do you endanger the people around you but you put the people in the car with you at extreme risk.
  • The driver puts bikers and walkers at extreme risk when they aren’t even looking at the road.
  • Hands free technology is widely available nowadays and not outrageously expensive. If you simply must reply to someone at that moment, do it without touching your phone.

    Please drive responsibly.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Pet Travel Tips!

It's usually not as easy as you think it would be. Bringing your best non-human friend on the road with you seems simple enough, right? Not always so. Here are a few tips on how to make travel with your pet easier.

Healthy Start: The last thing you need on the road is a sick pet. Make sure your pet is all set on vaccinations and has the proper certificates if you intend to cross any international/province/state borders. 
Frequent Pit Stops:  You pet can get stir crazy just like you! Stop at any designated waiting area or service stop and take it on a little walk. This may increase your travel time, but it is well worth it! Breaks like these also serve as a perfect time to hydrate.
Proper Restraint:  Whether your pet is calm and obedient in the car it is always important to make sure they are safe. No need to roll the windows down for fresh air, you don't want any debris hitting them in the face. A favorite blanket or pet bed is perfect for a long road trip. Creating a normalcy and routine for car rides helps your pet stay calm. 
There are lots of other ways to make you and your pet calm during a car ride lasting anywhere between 5 minutes and 8 hours. Thank you!
(Courtesy of